Kimberly Lee offered a session on May 2.

Kimberly hosted a workshop centered around motherhood. During the 2 hour workshop parenting experience was shared for writing inspiration, while celebrating and honoring the integral role of loving stewards in the lives of children. The session aimed to illustrate how motherhood can be a muse for creative writing.

The workshop included fun and imaginative prompts with the optional opportunity to share work. Participants were asked to bring an object and a photo that relates to parenting. Both literally and figuratively, motherhood is material!

From the Voice of a Puppet

by Sinéad MacDevitt

I am a piece of cloth. I was part of a woolly coat. How I miss the sheep. I am
glued to a piece of wood chopped from an oak tree. The wood has the shape of a
head. I am now the shape of a dress, but more than a dress. I have hands.
These hands are moving, but not my own. A voice speaks through me, but not my
voice. A song is singing but not my song. It is the voice of Finn. He is singing “The
animals went into two by two”. I have heard the song many times. I remember
all the animals that were spared the rain. All the animals went into the ark except
the unicorn. But what about the sheep? Aren’t the sheep just as important? So
that means my sheep will drown. But Finn continues to sing. With my hands, he
knocks on the door of the boat. Then I hear Finn adding animals but not the
sheep. He adds insects but not the sheep. He adds more verses with more
creatures but not the sheep. The cloud is swelling and spreading. It’s changing
colour: from white to grey and from grey to the deepest possible shade. There
are flashes in the clouds. Is it going to rain for forty days and forty nights? Will
the sheep be spared? My head flops and my hands drop of my own accord until
Finn sings “the animals went in three by three: the ram, the lamb and the fleecy
sheep. Before the hand knocks at the door, all the sheep get into the boat just in
time to get out of the flood.

Thank you for joining us to Write Around the World!

For the rest of the summer, watch our blog! We are sharing writing from AWA’s yearly marathon fundraiser, which happened this year all-online throughout the month of May.

We offer this series in appreciation for the incredible community of writers and workshop leaders that sustain us. If you’re inspired and would like to be part of the fundraiser, please donate!

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